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Why emails get delivered to Gmail's promotions tab and how to avoid it

Why emails get delivered to Gmail's promotions tab and how to avoid it What is gmail’s Promotions tab and why is your email there? Gmail has introduced multiple inboxes/tabs - primary, promotions, social, updates, and forums. Promotions tab is gmail’s inbox where all marketing and promotional emails land - this is based on gmail’s filters and algorithm. When you send a blast about your awesome offer and it triggers gmail’s filtering, your emails would most likely land in the Promotions tab and...

Suggested Format and Spammy Words to Avoid to get to the Inbox

Suggested Format and Spammy Words to Avoid to get to the Inbox Aside from following the 60:40 text to image ratio, text font and style matters. Deviating from the standard fonts might stop you from getting to the inbox. Your email font style and size matters. It might necessarily make or break your email deliverability but it would be best not to risk it. To help you with this, we have compiled a list of standard fonts you can use: 1. Arial 2. Courier New 3. Georgia 4. Helvetica 5....

How to create transactional emails in Mailvio

Setting up Transactional Emails How to plug Transactional Emails into your Website, Ecommerce Store, App, or just about anything else. Transactional emails enable you to send your day-to-day emails (Order Confirmations, Welcome Emails, Password Reminders, etc) through managed, trusted servers as well as gaining access to stats on how those emails perform in terms of interactions and deliverability. [Find out more about Transactional Emails here.](

Why you need transactional emails

What are Transactional Emails? No matter what your business, the chances are you are going to need to send one-off emails to visitors and customers. For example, when a new user signs up to become a member of your site you might want to send them a confirmation link to confirm they own their email address. Or you might want to send a copy of an invoice when a customer purchases a product. Until a few years ago, developers simply used a local mail server to send these emails. The problem is, b...