Mailvio Automation has a different set of actions that can be added to your workflow. These actions aim to make it robust and well-fit to your strategy. Instead of just sending emails to your entire list everyday, it would be better to create a workflow that would allow you to figure out who are the most engaged contacts and cultivate them into clients.
First off, workflows must have a trigger for them to start working. Mailvio has a handful of triggers you can choose from to jumpstart your automation.
Here's a list of Workflow Triggers available in Mailvio:
When a contact joins a group
When a contact joins a segment
When a contact exits a segment
Anniversary of a date
The exact match of a date
When a contact clicks a link
When a contact replies to a campaign
When a contact visits a page on your website
When a contact clicks a Link Tag
When Contact sign up from a form
When a contact is sent in any campaign
When a contact is sent to a specific campaign
When a contact opens a specific campaign
When a contact clicks any link in a campaign
When a contact hard bounces in a campaign
When a contact unsubscribes
When a contact is sent here from another Automation
When a contact fails a list clean
Once you have a trigger in place, you need to decide on the next set of actions. Like triggers, Mailvio has a handful of straightforward step you can choose from. Here's the list:
- Email - This step allows you to build an email or choose a template
- Wait - This is to wait for a specific action/condition to happen
- Action - Choose a specific action to occur.
- Goal - Set a specific goal to be achieved
- Webhook - Allows you to send data to an external source
- Redirect - Send the contact to another step in the workflow
- Delay - This sets a time delay before the next step
- Condition - This is a Yes/No branch when a certain condition has been met
- Split Contacts - This is a Yes/No branch that allows you to split the contacts evenly in the automation
- Notification - Allows you to send an email notification to multiple email addresses
- Score the contact - Changes the contact score by choosing the trigger and the increment to add
If you have further questions, please reach out to us here.