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Authentication of a sender in GoDaddy

As a valued Mailvio customer, you need to recognize the importance of authenticating your sending domain. You must do this to be able to send email campaigns effectively, especially with recent updates from email providers like Gmail and Yahoo; this step is no longer optional.     

For those who own a domain on GoDaddy and wish to authenticate their domain with Mailvio, this is a detailed, step-by-step guide to simplify this process and make it as easy as possible, particularly for beginners.    

There are two different methods for authenticating your sending domain from GoDaddy. The first one allows you to verify the sender's domain with Mailvio manually.   

The easiest method is to use our sender verification tool.

Please refer to the detailed article on how to authenticate your sender domain with Namecheap: Use the Mailvio sender verification tool for GoDaddy to get it done faster : 

If you still want to use the manual method, then you can go through this article and do it via the GoDaddy manual DNS manager

Now, let’s begin with a step-by-step process for manually authenticating your sending domain through GoDaddy.  

Step 1: Have an actual email from the domain you intend to use or set up an email from your domain. For example, if '' is my email associated with the domain ',' I can use this without a problem.   

Step 2: Inside your Mailvio account, go to your profile name and click on the company profile.


Step 3: Locate and click on the "My Domains" tab. Here, you will find options to verify the domain.


Step 4: Click on “Add & Verify Domain” and enter the email address associated with the domain you are verifying.


Step 5: Click “Add & Verify Domain” and enter the email address associated with the domain you verify.


Step 6: Go to your domain registrar's website (GoDaddy) and navigate to manage domains to view all your domains.

Step 7: Click on the "DNS" tab.


Step 8: Find and select your domain from the list of domains you own.

Step 9: Now, copy the CNAME pointing to DKIM.


Note: For GoDaddy, you need not include your domain when adding records because your DNS provider automatically includes it. For example, if the record you're adding starts with "MP1._DOMAINKEY.YOURDOMAIN.COM," it should be entered as "MP1._DOMAINKEY."

Step 10: Go back to GoDaddy and click "Add."


Step 11: Here, paste the copied CNAME record and set the Time to Live (TTL) to the lowest available time. Once done, click "Save."



Step 12: Repeat the same steps for adding the SPF (Sender Policy Framework) record. 


Note: For the SPF Record, you cannot have more than one SPF record for a top-level domain. For example, if you have a domain name like, which is your main top-level domain, you cannot have more than one SPF record. However, for any subdomain you might have under the same domain, you can have a different SPF record.

Step 13: Once you have added all necessary records, click "Continue” to allow DNS to propagate the changes.

Step 14: While DNS is propagating, you can set up the tracking domain for any subdomains you have.

Step 15: Add your tracking domain, for example, Essentially, you can choose any subdomain name you want to use.


Tracking and CDN records: 

Tracking Domain: The tracking domain is a subdomain that overrides the links used in your emails. This makes the links appear as if they are coming from your actual domain, not from Mailvio. It ensures that your email links maintain a professional appearance.

CDN Domain: The CDN domain is used for images in your emails. By adding the CDN domain, your image links will be tracked under your own domain. This contributes to improved email deliverability.

Adding these records is really simple, just like the way you added other records to your DNS manager.

So let's start with tracking domain:

If you prefer to watch the dedicated video and read an article where you can go into a bit more detail on how to add tracking and CDN domains, you can refer to this article:  

Step 1: Select "Company Profile," then choose the "My Domains" tab.

Step 2: Find the sending domain where you want to add the records. Click on the "Add Tracking Domain" button.

Step 3: A new page will open with some text, but you don't need to know the type of record you are adding yet.

Step 4: Click on "Add Tracking Domain" to proceed.


Step 5: Enter details about your tracking domain and click the "Authenticate" button.




Step 6: The record type will change to a CNAME record.

Step 7: The subdomain will be named "tracking," and the value will be provided.



Note: This value needs to be added to your DNS Manager.

Step 8: Go to your DNS Manager and add a new CNAME record with the name "tracking," the value obtained from the authentication process, and set the TTL to default.


Note: It may take up to 48 hours to update, but it usually only takes a few minutes. Your tracking domain should be authenticated shortly.

CDN Records:

Now it's time to add the CDN domain. The process is straightforward, similar to the other records you've added:

Step 1: Select "Company Profile," then choose the "My Domains" tab.

Step 2: Click the "Add CDN Domain" button and enter your subdomain.


Step 3: Navigate to your DNS Manager and find the section for managing DNS records.

Step 4: Locate the option to add a new DNS record.

Step 5: Set the record type to CNAME.

Step 6: Click "Authenticate your CDN Domain" to obtain the CNAME value that will be updated in the DNS record.

Step 7: Copy the second value provided in the authentication records and paste it into the Value field.

Step 8: Set the TTL to the default value.

Step 9: Click "Save" to add the record.

Step 10: Click on "Authenticate the CDN Domain."

Note: It may take a minute or two for the DNS record to resolve. After a brief wait, your CDN domain should be fully authenticated.

Now next step involves adding the custom MX record for your sending domain