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What is an email campaign

What's a Campaign


When you send an email out en-mass, we call this a campaign.

There are three types of campaigns we currently enable you to send.

Standard Campaign
Choose subscribers to send to, pick and modify an email template, and then schedule your campaign. The campaign gets sent once and you can see the results.


A/B Split Test
Choose subscribers to send to, pick one or more templates, choose one or more subject lines and then send multiple campaigns for each variation. We then test the results and the Template and Subject that receives the most clicks/views/etc wins.


Schedule a series of emails to be sent to subscribers when conditions are met. For example, you might want to send an email to a new subscriber when they join your list, or you might send an email three days after somebody orders a product from your shop. You can do all of this and more with automation.

When a campaign sends, you can monitor the results as they happen. You can see things like:

  • Who has opened your email?
  • Who has clicked links, and which links they clicked?
  • Who has unsubscribed from your emails?
  • Which email addresses bounced.
  • Did anybody report your email as junk?
  • Where were your subscribers when they opened the email (there's a map!)
  • What sort of device did they use to read your email (Mobile, Tablet, PC, we even detect if they are looking at it on there in-car entertainment system!)
  • And much more.

Whenever you send an email through the platform, we automatically ensure you have inserted Unsubscribe and Update Profile links somewhere in your email. If you haven't we automatically insert them at the end of your template.

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